let's help each other to thrive

love, cooperation and generosity

Do you share our dream of a better world where people live from
love and generosity instead of fear and meanness?

What happens when they stop printing cash?

They want us to believe that there are only two possibilities, CASH and CBDC. But there is a third possibility that can set us free.

We can't beat the old top down authoritarian system based on money, but we can make it obsolete.

A better way really is possible.

Gathering the tribe. We are a friendly online community of like minded people, helping each other free of charge, on a 'don't pay me back, pay it forward' bases. We are united by a single vision, of working together, sharing skills, learning together, and helping one another to thrive, people focused on how much they can give instead of how much they can get, people committed to raising others up so that we can all win. Does that sound like you? If so please do join us.

Together we can make that dream a reality now. Once we have establised a strong online community we can start to build a network of local free gift economy communities based around community gardens. Our two primary needs are food and shelter. Most of us have our shelter needs met so let’s start with food, wholesome organic food grown in our own community garden. But why stop there? We can open to project to non-gardeners, people with different skills, plumbers, electricians, potters, therapist etc., etc., etc., all serving the community, free of charge, on a “don’t pay be back, pay it forward” basis.

Have questions, or want to get involved? Just shoot me an email.

It would be great if you wanted to join us. It's free to become a member.

Jack Cox

Another affordable website by Jack Cox - email me